Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Living Proof

Well today was the second day of college, I'm going for computer graphics and design. and to be comleatly honest... I'm loveing it and I think I have found something that I want to do for the rest of my life. (although our teacher says we will have nightmares of him) hes still pretty cool... I was going to this school about 3 1/2 years ago or so and I ended up not being able to compleat it. But I am back now and i'm the liveing proof that if I can go through what I did and still end up in school regaurdless of how long ago it was, anyone can do it. I'm doing it not only for myself but to prove to everyone who doesn't believe in me that I can and that I will be someone in life. When I get done people are going to know who I am and I will prove to eveyone that I have beat the odds. I will prevail and I shall overcome. So to anyone who may happen to stumble across this blog remember that no matter what anyone says or what anyone does you can do anything you put you're mind to no matter what.. Trust me because I am THE LIVING PROOF

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